Monday, March 10, 2014

Day 8: Routine

Nighttime Routine

Why should I want to go to bed?  
I'm three.
I love to make a huge mess in the tub.
I scream in the bathroom because I want to hear the echo.  
I like books, read me books.  
All of the books on the shelf, and then let me look at one more.
Brush my teeth and let me spit.
I need a drink.
I need to go potty.
Good night, mommy.
Where's my teddy bear?
Can you cover me up?
Sing me a song.
I'm up again.
What are you doing?
Sing another song.
See you in the morning.
I'm up again.
Where's mommy?
I'm not tired.
Night, night.
I'm up.
When are you going to bed?
Good night.
I love you.
I want mommy!
I want to tell her something.
Good night.
Hi, daddy.
I need a kleenex.
Thank you.
I love you when I wake up.
95 minutes later...silence.


  1. yep. remember those days. mine just got her second college acceptance letter.

  2. I really like the structure and the words. This will be a nice little treasure to look back on when the little ones are big ones. Totally captures the life of children and daddies.
