Tuesday, October 28, 2014

30 day challenge posting clarification

For those of you who will be participating in the challenge, the way I would like you to upload your responses is in the comments section on Facebook for each day's challenge.

The theme will be published here on this blog, but it will roll over to the Facebook page.

(You will see this post show up on the Facebook page a few minutes after I publish it here. The same thing will happen with the theme posts.)

Under each theme post on the Facebook page will be a comments section. It is much easier to upload images to Facebook than to post here. I would have to give author privileges to everyone for them to post to this blog (with attachments), which I am unwilling to do since it would be an administrative hassle. Using Facebook is a much simpler solution.

The Facebook page is:


If you haven't "liked" it yet, do so, and the themes will show up in your Facebook feed.

I know this is a little confusing, but once we get going, I'm sure we'll all be ok.

Monday, October 27, 2014

30 Day Creativity Challenge

It's back - the daily creativity challenge! Are you up for it?

30 days, 30 themes. Open to anyone - students, faculty, friends, family, non-students - anyone who wants to exercise their creativity.

Since I won't be offering my Insight and Innovation Course this year, I am decoupling the creativity challenge and offering it on its own.

The themes will begin at 12 AM on 1 November 2014 and run through 30 November 2014.

You have until midnight (US Central time) of the next day to post a response to each theme.

The theme will automatically roll over from here on this blog to the Facebook page.


Post your response in the comments to each theme announcement.

Can you hang? It sounds easy - trust me, it's not.

What counts as a response? Anything you want, as long as it's creative. Some days aren't going to be as good as others - that's when we Lower Our Standards! (Three cheers for lowering standards! Lowering our standards is a big theme in the creativity course. Get over it perfectionists.)

If you complete all 30 days on time, I will give you a prize (it's small and nominal, but it's still a prize).

What do I mean by a theme? A theme will usually be a word or words, which you will then interpret by taking a picture, writing a poem, writing a reflection, making a sculpture (which you would then take a picture of and post).

Example theme: "Three"

Response: take a picture of three of something; write a haiku (3 line poem); reflect on the 3 best things that ever happened to you (or worst, whatever); paint a picture with three of something in it; illuminate the number three; etc. be creative - the key is to do something!

For more examples, scroll through this blog to see prior year themes and responses.

Creativity is a habit. You can make yourself more creative by exercising your creative muscles. But you have to exercise those muscles. No one got stronger or faster by waiting for their muse to come pick them up and take them to the gym.

True innovation comes from finding new and better ways to do things with the materials and resources you already have - this is the key lesson from our study of economic growth.

So... Get thee to your camera/keyboard/work shop! Get ready to be creative!


post in the comments below, or e-mail me: markbonica@hotmail.com