Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I collect beer bottle caps.

The hobby started after a new bar opened up back in Portland, Saraveza, and they had all these cool tabletops with beer bottle caps laquered into colorful mosaics.  I started collecting caps the next beer I popped open in my kitchen.  That was about five years ago.  I've got freezer bags of beer caps back home in storage.  I've never tried really arranging beer caps into any design before, so thought I would use today's prompt (seven) as the impetus to do so.  Kind of reminds me of one of those color blindness tests.

My five (and a half!)-year-old daughter helped me arrange the caps.  She had the idea to intersperse the flowery silver caps and stars around the outside border, and to put a V in the middle.  She surrounded the V with stars so I would feel important.  It was a fun trial run with beer bottle cap art, and arranging colors with my daughter.

It's a good thing I drank all that beer!

P.S.  The beer caps are framed by a pizza pan -- because we all know there is nothing better than pizza and beer!  This art is created out of the remnants of both.

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